Sunday, June 6, 2010


Okay I've totally fallen off the wagon. gotta start again. Of well. tomorrow is another day

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Clean Sweep

I have been volunteering at the local animal shelter and it turns out that they are having a yard sale this weekend. I couldn't sleep tonight (last night?) and so I have packed up a bunch of stuff to take to their sale. I hope it brings them some money.
They say that to really make a change you need to throw out 50 things. I'm not sure if I made that number. I did if you count individual CDs in my audio books. I am a little sad that the house doesn't really even look like I got rid of a bunch of stuff. At least it is a start. Plus I found a few new things that i can use now that I am not buying anything new.
Tomorrow I am "cheating" a little. My friend and I are going out to lunch at a Chinese place so I will need to pay for my lunch that way.