Sunday, October 9, 2011

Creativity activated

Since I am trying to be more wise with my spending, I am trying to only buy made in USA products. Well, I have searched and searched for a cheese grater and only today realized that I had one all along. There is a grating attachment for my KitchenAid mixer.:-)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


The other day I was thinking about have self-sufficient I can really be. I was amazed at some of the things that I can do for myself if I have to.
Food- I can cook food myself and have grown some vegetables. I won the Kale lottery this year :-) and beets and turnips weren't too bad.
Clothing- I do know how to sew and knit so if I absolutely had to I could make my own clothes and socks.  Shoes are not on the availability list yet but you never know what the future holds
Shelter- Ok I must admit that I am totally helpless when it come to fixing this in or around my house
Entertainment- I can play the cello for music, if I kept it up.

Anyway, I am glad to know that I CAN do these things but even more grateful that I don't HAVE to do this. It is strictly an optional endeavor at this point

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Beating the heat

Well, since I made the neck coolers for Jill, I had all the materials left and I made some for my neighbors.  I gave them to the family when I sent them some kale and spinach from my garden.
I am learning that the garden is one of my favorite "free" things. I get so much pleasure from it. Right now I have gotten spinach, lettuce, kale and almost onions so far.

Friday, January 14, 2011

2011 and here we go!!

Sorry it has been so long since a post, but with all the crazy weather I haven't had time.  The good new is that so far in 2011 I haven't bought any unnecessary items :-) The other benefit is that since I have been cook at home alot, I have been able to share with others.  I have also been able to be more giving with what I do have and on Thursdays (now named, Throw Out Thursdays) I have gotten rid of things that I don't use and given them to others.

I gave an old fondue pot that was never used to a friend.
Let numerous people use my jumper cables
I was able to help another friend get towed in the snow because I have AAA
I was even able to make some items for my friends wedding that she won't need to purchase :-)
I will share pictures of all the great things I have been able to catch-up on, now that I am taking life at a slower pace .