Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Free Attractions

Wll, as many of you know, yahoo.com has come out with a list of free attractions that you can visit.
Best Free Attractions.  It mentions Great Smoky Mountain Park as #2. WooHoo!!!
Even though it is free, I must admit I haven't taken advantage of it as I should.

One thing I have noticed is that when you slow down and take time, you can find some great places to go that are free.  I was walking from the library to the post office and found the cutest little area near our visitor's center that I had never noticed before.  There was a swing, picnic tables and a little stream running by. Since, you can't see it easily from the road I never would have found it if I hadn't been walking.

Even the the great money pit that can be Gatlinburg, we found a cute little park that you can stop for a little rest and playground.  Of course, Gatlinburg is part of the Great Smoky Mountain park system, but this was behind a shopping area.  We wouldn't have found it, if parking hadn't been so bad.