Saturday, November 12, 2016

Love Trumps Hate

With the new election and all the drama, the only way I can process this is to try and make the world a better place. Trump received 279 electoral votes so for the next 279 days (which should bring me to August 15th) I will do a random act of kindness.  Since he is a bazillionaire, I am also going to try and not use much money for this project.

So far:
Day 1- I bought clothes for a family that our school said needed some help (sorry it did cost money but I hope this is an anomaly)

Day 2- Helped a teacher by watching one of her students so she could better help the rest of her class.

I haven't decided what to do today but I am learning that being organized is going to help alot so I will be working on ideas and cleaning today.  I will get my random act in somehow, currently I think I may write a note/letter to someone I feel need a pick me up.

Day 3- Fixed a "to go bag' for a friend who is headed to Nashville for a Tennessee Titans game tomorrow. I made rice krispy treats, apples and deviled eggs for her to take on the trip.  I had all the ingredients at home so, this only cost me time

Sunday Day 4- Took my "extra" boy scout coupons to Food City and gave them out. They were if you spend $20 you get $2 off

Day 5-  Cleaned the playground after school

Tuesday Day 6-  Complimented a teacher about all she did for Homecoming.

Wednesday- wrote Thank you notes for the parents that volunteer for the book fair

Any suggestions?

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